The humble radish is best known for garnishing
food. Few would have known that this humble vegetable is packed with potent health benefits. Radishes are one of the alkalising vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are the answer to a healthy and balanced body, which functions optimally thus leading to a longer life span. Alkaline vegetables are the call of the time. About 80% of our food intake should be alkaline vegetables and alkaline fruits and no more than 20% of the entire food intake should be acidic. Acid and Alkaline Food can mean the difference between happiness and health, or sickness, depression and medical bills. Click on above link for more info.
An acid body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer and aging. Eating more alkaline foods helps shift your body's pH and oxygenates your system. Alkaline foods keep your body healthy and functioning correctly, preventing cancer.- Werner
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Radish rose garnishes are fun and attractive ways to present many dishes, including salads, meat dishes, or vegetable trays. They are very easy to do and no tools other than a sharp kn
Once you have made all the cuts, gently pull the petals outward, taking care not to break them off entirely, then drop into ice water for about 30 minutes for them to fully open. Presto! You have a beautiful radish rose garnish!
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Radish Leaves with Spiced Yoghurt Recipe. In the West, radish leaves tend to be discarded, although they are actually an interesting green vegetable in their own right. Click on the obove link for more info.Health Benefits of Radishes.
By Aparup Mukherjee.
Radishes are moderately high in Vitamin C and contain properties that appear to be beneficial for symptoms of colds, flu, fever, cough, respiratory problems, and digestive disorders. For digestive problems, put a handful of radish leaves in boiling water, cover, and let sit for about 20 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste and drink as a tea. For colds, flu, and the associated symptoms, grate one radish and mix with honey to taste. Let this mixture stand for 10 hours in a dark place. Take 2 teaspoons three times a day as a cough syrup. Radish, the well known part of your salad, is a root crop, pungent or sweet in taste with a lot of juice.
Radishes can be white, red, purple or black, long cylindrical or round in shape. They are eaten raw, cooked or pickled. The oil obtained from the seeds of radish is also used. The other parts of radish which are consumed are the leaves, the flowers, the pods and the seeds. The scientific name of radish is Raphanus Sativus which belongs to the Brassicaceae family. Radish is also known as Daiken in some parts of the world.
The benefits of radish against certain ailments and on certain body parts are listed below:
• Jaundice: Radish is very good for the liver and the stomach and it is a very good detoxifier too, that is, it purifies blood. It is miraculously useful in jaundice as it helps removing bilirubin and also checks its production. It also checks destruction of red blood cells during jaundice by increasing supply of fresh oxygen in the blood. The black radish is more preferred in jaundice. The leaves of radish are also very useful in treatment of jaundice.
• Piles: Radish is very rich in roughage, i.e. indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates digestion, retains water, cures constipation (one of the main causes for piles) and thus gives relief in piles. Being a very good detoxifier, it helps heal up piles fast. Its juice also soothes the digestive and excretory system and this also relieves piles.
• Urinary Disorders: Radishes are diuretic in nature, i.e. increase production of urine. Juice of radish also cures inflammation and burning feeling during urinating. It also cleans the kidneys and inhibits infections in kidneys and urinary system. Thus it helps a great deal in curing urinary disorders.
• Weight Loss: Radishes are very filling, i.e. fills your stomach and satisfies your hunger easily without giving you many calories, as they are low in digestible carbohydrates, high in roughage and contain a lot of water. It is a very good dietary option for those determined to lose weight.
• Cancer: Being a very good detoxifier and rich in vitamin-C, folic and anthocyanins, radish helps cure many types of cancer, particularly those of colon, kidney, intestines, stomach and oral cancer.
• Leukoderma: The detoxifying and anti carcinogenic properties of radish make it useful in treatment of Leukoderma. The radish seeds are used in this case. They should be powdered and soaked in vinegar or ginger juice or cows urine and then applied on the white patches. Eating radish also aids treatment of Leukoderma.
• Skin Disorders: Vitamin-C, phosphorus, zinc and some members of vitamin-B complex, which are present in radish, are good for skin. The water in it helps maintaining moisture of the skin. Smashed raw radish is a very good cleanser and serves as a very efficient face pack. Due to its disinfectant properties, radish also helps cure skin disorders, such as drying up, rashes, cracks etc. and also refreshes it.
• Kidney Disorders: Being diuretic, cleanser and disinfectant, it helps cure many kidney disorders. Its diuretic properties help wash away the toxins accumulated in the kidneys. Cleansing properties clean kidneys up and lessens accumulation of toxins in the blood, thereby decreasing their concentration in the kidneys. Its disinfectant properties protect the kidneys from any infections too. Thus it is good for overall health of the kidneys.
• Insect Bites: It has anti pruritic properties and can be used as an effective treatment for insect bites, stings of bees, hornets, wasps etc. Its juice also reduces pain and swelling and soothes the affected area.
• Fever: It brings down the body temperature and relieves inflammation due to fever. Drink radish juice mixed with black salt. Being a good disinfectant, it also fights infections which cause fever, thereby helping cure it.
• Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis and Asthma: Radish is an anti congestive, i.e. it relieves congestion of respiratory system including nose, throat, wind-pipe and lungs, due to cold, infection, allergies and other causes. It is a good disinfectant and also rich in vitamins, which protect respiratory system from infections.
• Liver & Gallbladder: Radish is especially beneficial for liver and gallbladder functions. It regulates production and flow of bile and bilirubin, acids, enzymes and removes excess bilirubin from the blood, being a good detoxifier. It also contains enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase and esterase. It protects liver and gallbladder from infections and ulcers and soothes them.
• Other Benefits: Apart from above benefits, radish is a good appetizer, mouth and breathe freshener, laxative, regulates metabolism, improves blood circulation, is a good treatment for headache, acidity, constipation, nausea, obesity, sore throat, whooping cough, gastric problems, gallbladder stones, dyspepsia etc. Finding it hard to digest the above stuff? Well! I suggest you have some slices of radish. That may help you and enhance your app

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My thought for today. - WernerThe smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention.—Unknown
Well, well, I love radish, I have been growing them, but I never knew that they have such an “arsenal” packed with health benefits. Thank you for publishing this, Werner.
Also, the comment from Dr. Lei, from Hong Kong, was very interesting. I wish we could get Anna Bligh and her cohorts to read it.
Much to the amusement of co-workers, us Dutchies put just about anything on our bread. From biscuits to strawberries, to indeed radishes (sprinkled with salt). Next time they (Aussies) say I am mad I can give them scientific reasons! Thanks Werner.
I just found this most interesting posting about the humble radish. I'm amazed about the health benefits. You do have an interesting and informative blog, Werner.
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